Sunday, March 30, 2008

Planet 'Za

Sausage, Tomato & Cheese
On My Home Made Crust.


kim said...

Now THAT looks a work of art!

I can cyber smell it from here...

Bon Apetite!

jim dandy said...

Edible Art.
I like that.
Sounds like that's a future photo caption to me!

kim said...

...and I know you've got more foody creations to work with... the way, how was your pizza? if I really need to inquire...

jim dandy said...

It was heavenly, and still is.
I made two of them so I have lunch for the week.

kim said...

Possibly some day you can share your pizazz o'pizza recipe...and I in turn can instruct one pizza love'n Wes-boy-man on the finer points of the pizza pan!
